Two Brothers, One Blog, Dangerous Levels of Geekiness.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

What i really want out of the Sheehan conflict

Unless you've been living in under a rock or deep space, you've heard about Cindy Sheehan and the controversy that's exploded around her.

Bush continues to decline to meet with her, citing the fact that he's aware of what she has to say. And he's right. Iraq policy isn't going to change. The US didn't go into Iraq with a plan, and it's going to be difficult to spin one out of the situtation that's developed now (unless we'd like to just hand Iraq to Iran).

So why should Bush meet with Sheehan?

Simple. To prove he's not an unrelenting bastard. A simple acknowledgement of the fact that things aren't going perfectly. To prove that he can communicate with Americans in a way that does not solely involve propagandistic motives.


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